Quando voltar a Portugal não me chegam as mãos para os bébés :)
Estou muito muito feliz por vós!

P.S. agora vou ali conspirar para o namoro dele com ela , que vão fazer o par mais bué da nice de sempre!
...é isso esta aventura of "The First Day of the rest of My Life"...
This is Toronto's first heat wave since 2007.
Health officials in both provinces were urging people to try to keep cool in the scorching temperatures and high humidity. Temperatures in Toronto and Montreal hit a high of 33 C on Tuesday, while the mercury hit 34 C in Ottawa and almost 35 C in Windsor.
Temperatures in the 30 C range, which feel more like the 40s when humidity is factored in, are forecast again for some areas on Tuesday and Wednesday.
The hot weather is expected to linger until the end of the week when a cold front moves in, CBC meteorologist Johanna Wagstaffe said.